Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Impact of Technology on Our Health

 These Are some impact that Effect on us

1. Decreased physical activity:
Advances in technology have made our lives easier, but at the same time physical activity has decreased. Due to the increased use of smartphones, computers and other devices, people spend more time sitting, which can lead to obesity, heart disease and other health problems.

2. Effects on mental health:

Social media and being constantly online can
 have negative effects on mental health. 
Anxiety, depression and insomnia are among them.
People often feel inferior to others, which can lead to depression.

3. Quality of Sleep:

Technology use, especially screens at night, can affect sleep quality. Blue light from screens reduces the production of melatonin (a sleep-regulating hormone), which disrupts sleep.

4. Eye Health:

Excessive use of computers and smartphones has negative effects on eye health. Conditions similar to "computer vision syndrome," such as dry eyes, blurred vision, and eye pain, are becoming more common.

5. Access to Information:

Technology has made easy access to health information possible. People can get better health care through online health services, counseling and disease research.



Technology has revolutionized the field of medicine. Telemedicine, robotic surgery, and advanced health monitoring devices have made medical services more efficient and accessible.

Impact of Technology on Our Health

 These Are some impact that Effect on us 1 . Decreased physical activity: Advances in technology have made our lives easier, but at the sa...